Rooted Life Montessori is a private pre-school and elementary school designed for all children to fully reach their potential. By creating a prepared environment and a prepared staff, RLM provides each child a daily opportunity to match and expand their own educational experience.
We have a Primary Classroom (ages 3-6), an Elementary I Classroom (ages 7-10) and we are in the process of forming an Elementary II Classroom (ages 11-12). At RLM, we will always retain a 10-1 ratio or less within the classrooms. Our preferred ratio is 8-1. All of our lead teachers are AMS certified and receive supplemental training in other areas such as ABA therapy, OT, SLP, etc. in addition to their teacher’s certification requirements. Although state standards allow for much higher student-teacher ratios, we believe lower ratios are important to the success of all our students.
Our Mission
RLM will provide authentic Montessori education to diverse academic learners:
Nurture the whole child
Support the innate desire to learn with guidance and inspiration
Foster self-confidence, motivation and critical thinking
Teach responsibility and social skills, focusing on grace and courtesy
Instill leadership and respect for self/others in a well-prepared environment
Accommodate the learning different child within their ability
We were recently featured in an article in the Cleburne Times Review! Click the button below to read the article and learn about our school!