Elementary I Classroom (Ages 6-9 Years) - Coming Soon

Once the primary root of a plant has developed and become grounded, the secondary roots begin their work of further securing the plant to the soil and commence the process of nutrient intake. So too, as the child transitions from the primary classroom into the Lower Elementary I, there is a distinct shift in the developmental plane. Where the primary child was satisfied with the “what” in the world around him, the secondary root emerging from the Elementary I child (grades 1-3) is now concerned with the “why”.

Choosing a private school education for your Elementary I child is one of the most important decisions you will make, and the Rooted Life Montessori Academic Therapy Elementary I program at RLM offers an unparalleled opportunity for the social, emotional, spiritual and academic development of your child. As you enter RLM’s Lower Elementary I classrooms for the first time, you will notice a distinct difference from a traditional classroom. AMS Elementary I classrooms around the world will share the following characteristics:

  • The Montessori Elementary I is built on the foundations of the primary.
  • The Elementary I “curriculum” is only limited by a child’s imagination.
  • Children work collaboratively and cooperatively.
  • The classroom is designed to nurture imagination and reason.
  • The children’s work is open-ended and creative.
  • Children are agents in their own education.
  • The children explore their own interests while meeting age-appropriate standards.
  • The children are empowered to seek knowledge beyond the classroom.
  • Montessori Elementary students love learning.
  • Montessori Elementary I children transition well into other schools.

Without OCCI, no academic curriculum has the opportunity to flourish. So, too, our Elementary classroom has its root encapsulated in a soil of OCCI to allow your child’s full potential to bloom.

Rooted Life Montessori - AMS

Equal Expectations Policy

Rooted Life Montessori Therapy Center Mission Statement to you

RLM will provide authentic Montessori education to diverse academic learners and:

  • nurture the whole child,
  • support the innate desire to learn with guidance and inspiration
  • foster self-confidence, motivation and critical thinking
  • teach responsibility and social skills, focusing on grace and courtesy
  • instill leadership and respect for self/others in a well-prepared environment
  • accommodate the learning different child within their ability


We will provide:

  • individualized academic instruction for your child based on Montessori philosophy and curriculum
  • individualized behavior redirection based on Montessori philosophy utilizing pivotal praise, external and internal motivators
  • 2 in person parent-teacher conferences yearly (fall and spring)
  • a mid-term update via Montessori Compass (winter)
  • additional referrals or recommendations if we observe academic or behavior remediation is advised
  • a low student-teacher ratio


We expect:

  • Participation in parent-education seminars, emails, online forums and other methods of educating you about Montessori
  • Time spent learning about Montessori Compass and the materials your child is using.
  • Timely payments